特丽莎是一位有恩赐的教师和作家,具有独特的能力,可以将复杂的属灵真理分解成易于理解的口语,并将其实际应用于现实生活中。 她被称为“操作方法”老师,因为她的教导来自于将《圣经》付诸实践的个人经验。 她的事工英文网站链接:https://fullyknownministries.com/
Notice 通告关于线上直播医治聚会《灵魂体保健》
Just to let everyone know that the live stream yesterday was powerful. 线上直播医治聚会《灵魂体保健》特别讲员美国恩典圣经学院毕业特丽莎传道HealthTeaching by TeresaHoughteling中英双语谢谢同学和朋友们一直留言要求重新看15/5/2021星期六晚马来西亚时间8点YouTube直播的录影,因为内容太丰富,他们来不及写笔记!我们实在被你们追求真理的火热感动,因为唯有真理使人得自由!We thank all those who keep sending messages and request to watch the video again as they were not able to jot down their notes during the session. We are really encouraged by your enthusiasm to know the truth that really sets people free! We are working on removing some minor issues now and shall be able to post the recorded video online on YouTube as promised. We thank all the viewers who patiently turned up and sat through the whole two hour session!!! 感谢主昨晚的直播非常蒙恩,也谢谢你们大家的出席这两小时的讲座!!!由于一开始录得不好。传道整理了才开放。谢谢等候。我们会通知大家。祝福你们有一个美好的主日,将赞美敬拜献上,荣耀归我们的主!
updated 2021-05-16