我已经因耶稣所受的鞭伤而得了医治(彼得前书 2:24)。
在我里面已经拥有使耶稣从死里复活同样的大能(以弗所书 1:19)。
我有权柄使用那能力。生死在我舌头的权下(箴言 18:21)。我选择耶稣!我选择生命!所以我住在全能者的荫蔽下,我宣告,神是我抵挡疾病的避难所(诗篇91:1-2)。
耶和华拯救人脱离魔鬼的网罗和致命的瘟疫(诗篇 91:3)。
没有瘟疫能够靠近我的住处,这意味着没有细菌或病毒可以接触我而存活,它必定被除灭!(诗篇 91:10) 我是细菌和病毒最可怕的恶梦。
如果我心里不疑惑,我就能得到我所说的(马可福音 11:23)。我选择相信!拒绝怀疑! 因此,我宣告说,疾病对我无能为力。
耶和华赐福给我的粮食和我的水,为我关掉疾病(出埃及记 23:25)。
A health confession By Andrew Wommack
I am already healed by the stripes of Jesus (1 Pet.2:24).
I already have the same power inside of me that raised Jesus from the dead (Eph. 1:19).
I have the authority to use that power. Death and life are in the power of my tongue (Prov. 18:21).
So I dwell under the shadow of the Almighty and say He is my refuge and fortress against sickness (Ps. 91:1-2).
The Lord delivers from the snare of the devil and the deadly pestilence (Ps. 91:3).
No plague will come nigh my dwelling, which means no germ can touch me and live (Ps. 91:10). I am a germ’s or virus’s worst nightmare.
I can have what I say if I don’t doubt in my heart (Mark 11:23). Therefore, I say sickness has no power over me. The Lord blesses my bread and water and turns sickness off in my body (Ex. 23:25).I was, am, and shall be the healed of the Lord through faith in what Jesus has done for me. Amen!
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